Elijah and the Still Small Voice

Be still and know that I am God.

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

Suddenly, a voice came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Audio Icon   1 Kings 19:13



God may not speak directly to us as he did with Elijah, but he still speaks in many ways.

Through the Bible, God shows who he is and what our role is in his creation. Here, God speaks, and we understand how he saves and cares for us.

"The heavens declare the glory of the Lord," and God’s creation reminds us how big and wonderfully creative our God is.

God speaks through his Holy Spirit, who is with us and guides us through life situations. God loves us and equips us to do our work (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit teaches us and reminds us of what Christ did and said (John 14:26, John 15:26).

When you study scripture together, you can discover how God is leading you. As you read God’s word, listen to the advice of godly people.

Spend time talking with and listening to God in prayer. Prayer isn’t just your to-do list for God; it’s also listening to what God wants you to do.

It’ll take practice, but if you spend time reading the Bible, praying, and trying to hear God, you will recognize God’s voice when he speaks to you.

Read more stories about Elijah in 1 Kings 17-19 and 2 Kings 1-2. Want to dig deeper and learn more about listening to God’s voice? Check out 1 Samuel 1;Matthew 17:5; John 10:27-30 and Romans 10:17.


The story of Elijah and the Still Small Voice is a great reminder when we are discouraged. We need to listen hard to what God is saying to us. We just need to be still enough, quiet enough, and listen hard enough to hear his voice when it comes.

When you are discouraged, where do you go to listen to God? You can read the Bible, take a walk in God’s creation, pray to God, talk to godly people for advice, or ask the Holy Spirit to guide your next steps.