


KC Devotional

God's Big Story

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Liz & Friends


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Your donation equips families with faith-forming resources

Bible Stories

Parable of the Workers

Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders

Parable of the Sower

Parable of the Talents

Parables About Prayer

God's Story: The Bible

Paul in Athens

The Story of Paul and Silas

The Story of Lydia

The Story of Dorcas

The Story of Paul’s Conversion

Philip and the Ethiopian

The Story of Stephen

The Story of Pentecost

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

The Women at the Tomb

Part 4 Resurrection!

Part 3 The Cross

Part 2 Palm Sunday and the Arrest

Part 1 Who is Jesus?

Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

Parable of the Great Banquet

Parable of the Lost Son

Parable of the Good Samaritan

Jesus Anointed with Perfume

Mary, Martha and Lazarus

The Story of Zacchaeus

Jesus Blesses the Children

Jesus Feeds 5,000 People

Jairus’s Daughter

The Story of Jesus and Legion

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man

The Woman at the Well

The Story of Peter

Jesus in the Wilderness

The Baptism of Jesus

The Boy Jesus at the Temple

The Wise Men

The Shepherds

Birth of Jesus

The Story of Nehemiah

The Story of Esther

The Fiery Furnace

Daniel and the Lions' Den

The Story of the Prophets

The Story of Jonah

Elisha the Prophet

Elijah on Mount Carmel

Saul Chases David

David, Saul and Jonathan

David and Goliath

The Story of Samuel

The Story of Ruth

The Story of Samson

The Story of Deborah

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Rahab and the Spies

Wilderness Journey

The Story of Moses

Moses and All the Excuses

The Story of Joseph

Jacob Becomes Israel

Jacob and Esau

God's Promise to Abraham

The Tower of Babel

Noah's Ark

The Story of Cain and Abel

The Story of the Fall

The Creation Story



Light On Your Path

Spontaneous Prayers

The Power of Prayer

Persistent Prayer

Father's Day

Praying Together

Hear God’s Voice

Who’s Number One?

The Promised Gift- Pentecost

A Mom's Love- Mother's Day

The Unhurried Jesus

Push Pause

Earth Day

Imagine When...

I Wonder

Creativity in Action

Called By Name

The Not-So-Triumphal Entry

Healing Love

Living a Holy Life

Names of God: The Righteous God

Names of God: The Lord is My Peace

Names of God: I AM Who I AM

Names of God: The Father of Compassion

How Can I Use the Internet Wisely

Feeling Like Enough

God’s Love Brings People Together

Caring for You

Big Plans

Christmas Love for God's Global Family

The Shepherds’ Joy

Promises and Peace

The Prophet’s Message of Hope

When We All Work Together

Daily Gratitude

Talking About God When We’re Scared

Serving Others Every Day

Learning Like Us

God's Partnership Gives Us Hope

God’s Provision Gives Us Hope

God’s Presence Gives Us Hope

God’s Peace Gives Us Hope

Orange Shirt Day and Micah 6:8

God Gives Relief

Angels Around Us

Following God’s Lead

Encouragement: Bless Others

Encouragement: Hold Me Up!

God is Powerful

Worship God

Don't Be Afraid

Trusting God

God Is With You

Anxious about What's Next!

Being God's Copycat

God Can Use You

An Attitude of Gratitude

What Does God Want Me To Do Right Now?

Walking Through Grief

Understanding Pentecost

Great Joy, Deep Roots

Mother’s Words

Life is Both Hard and Good

Never Alone: God's Promise to Us

Crying Out to God

Wow! Creation!

Easter: A New Beginning

Jesus’ Palm Sunday

Jesus Cried

God is Our Home Free Zone

I’m Worried!

Sorting Out Our Fears

A Friend Named Jesus

Joy in God

God's Idea of Justice

God Made Us Different...on Purpose!

“Teamwork on Three! 1…2…3…"

Wonderful Things, Planned Long Ago

Word Power MLK Day

God is Calling You

The Stone of Help

Christmas: God’s Gift of Jesus

Advent: Love as an Action

Advent: God’s Joy

Advent: God Brings Peace

Advent: Our Great Hope

Generous in All Things

Grandpa, Tell Me God's Story

Be Curious!

I'll Be Praying for You

Listen to God

The Spirit Helps You

Who is Welcome in Your Church?

Indispensable in God’s Eyes

Making Peace

The Tongue is like a Spark

Thinking Good Things

Serve Like Jesus

Courageous Creativity

Love Your Difficult Neighbor

A Heart for the Hurting

God is in Control - Not Us

Speaking the Truth in Love

God's Love is Already There

Naaman's Servant Girl: God's Power

Eutychus: Staying Connected and Alert

Miriam: Worship Leader

Huldah: Using Her Gifts

Tabitha: Community Builder

I'm Part of God's Story

The Great Commission: Reflecting God

Ascension Day: Jesus Now in Heaven

My Weakness. God’s Strength.

God is Our Protector

Wonderful Creation, from Lions to Leviathans

Your Smallest and Biggest Teachers

Earth Day: God's Gift of Trees

Easter Resurrection People

Who Taught You About Jesus?

Seeing God's Story Everywhere

God Loves Me. The Bible Tells Me So.

Good News Bad News

No Separation from God

Be Quick to Listen

Make the World a Better Place

Join Us for Dinner

God's Global Community

Show the World

One Day at a Time

Big and Small Tasks

Christmas: Jesus Has Changed Everything!

Advent: A Time of Love

Advent: A Time of Joy

Advent: A Time of Peace

Advent: A Time of Hope

Supplication Prayers

Thanksgiving Prayers

Confession Prayers

Praise Prayers

The ACTS Prayer

How Do You Pray?

The Lord's Prayer

Zacchaeus and Jesus

Spending Time with Jesus

Doing My Father's Work

God Likes You

God Is Here!

Little Sins Grow

A Small Sin is a Big Deal

Welcome the New Kid

Discover God's Wisdom

Care For God's World

How Does It Work?

Creative in Church

Created To Create

We Serve Others

Helping Hands. Humble Hearts

God's Call for Justice

God Created Us

God Created Me

You Need God

The Price of Lies

The Unbelievable Gift

Jesus is My Lifeline

Show Respect

What's the Right Thing to Do?

Joining God's Team

Give With a Willing Heart

Faith and Action

God's Guidance

Trusting God's Plan

Loving My Enemy

Christmas: An Important Task

Christmas: Guess How Much God Loves You?

Salvation is a Free Christmas Gift

Showing Gratitude

Showing Thankfulness

Showing Justice and Mercy

Showing Patience

Showing Kindness

Singing in the Rain

The Next Right Thing

Dealing With Disappointment

Kids In Action



Telling God's Big Story


Bookmarks for Peace

CN Tower Climb for World Wildlife Fund

Sight and Sound


Living With Diabetes

Snow Lighthouse

Accessibility Leader

Sorting Our Garbage: Earth Day

Puppet Movie Making

God Will Cover You

Emma's Bathbombs

Kids in Action During COVID-19

God's Blessing in the Barn

Snacks for Summer

A Heart for Justice

Another Person's Shoes

Wherever You Go

Swimming Across Lake Erie

Parents Blogs

Family Worship: Moments of Refreshment

How to Use Kids Corner Devotions

Helping Kids Create Daily Devotional Habits

God Hears Our Spontaneous Prayers Too

Praying for Others

Teaching How to Lament

The NEW KC App: Early Production Stages

Being a Good Dad and Pointing to a Great Dad

Learning to Pray in Community

Ears to Hear God’s Voice

Summertime Collection

Helping Children Live with Humility

God’s Promises to Us

Sacrificial Love- Mother’s Day

It's Good to Be Bored

Seven Devotions for Kids About Prayer

*Updated* Faith Practices for Families eBooks Collection

Even God Rested

Earth Care and Kids

Equipping Kids With Imagination

Raising Wonder-filled Kids

Earth Day Collection

Power of Play

Easter: Your Child is Loved by God!

Palm Sunday: Jesus’ Accepting Love

From Empathy to Compassion

The Miracle of Easter: Audio Bible Stories for Resurrection Sunday

Living Life Wholly

God’s Righteousness and Doing What’s Right

God’s Peace to Make Tough Decisions

God Helps You Defend Others

Sharing God's Mercy

Staying Wise Online: Teaching Our Children Internet Safety

Helping Your Child Feel Like Enough

Showing How God’s Love Brings People Together

Being A Family That Values Self-Care

Trusting God’s Plan As A Family

Advent: Love and Christmas Week Four

Advent: Joy Week Three

Advent: Peace Week Two

Advent: Hope Week One

Cooperation: More Than Just a Dream

Teaching Our Kids to Be Thankful

Fear Fighting and Acts of Faith

God Sends a Savior: Audio Bible Stories for Christmas

Little Ways Every Day for Kids to Serve God

Kids Corner's Christmas Collection

Helping Kids Learn from Mistakes

Hope and God’s Partnership: Tikvah the Rope

Hope and God’s Provision: Doling Out Donuts

Our Kids and Mental Health Devotions Collection

Building Kids’ Hope by Being Present

God's Peace and Kids' Hope

Reconciliation, Residential Schools, and Micah 6:8

Helping Children Deal with Stress

Neighbors in Need

The Family Summit

Encouragement: Teaching Generosity

Encouragement: Coming Alongside

God's Power in Our Lives: The Armor of God

Faithful Worship

God Calls His People: Audio Bible Stories for Kids from Genesis to Ruth

Kids' Fears and God's Promises

Teaching to Trust God

Seeing God by Faith

Dealing with Anxiety

Being God's Image Bearers

Helping Your Kids See Their Gifts

Practice Gratitude as a Family

Kids and Decision Making

Children and Grief

The Holy Spirit in Us

Psalm 92: Deep Rooted Faith

Mom Challenges: Lemuel's Mother

Finding Treasures in Tough Times

Lonely But Not Alone

Talking to Your Kids About Gun Violence: Trust and Persevere

The Story Begins: Audio Bible Stories for Kids from Genesis

Creation Through a Child's Eyes

What the Empty Tomb Teaches Us

Connecting Palm Sunday to Easter

Developing Empathy in Our Children

Safe Spaces and Soul Care

When Kids Worry

Kids Corner Easter Collection

Helping Children Learn to Manage Fear

Jesus' Friendship Example

A Joyful Life

Help Children Respond to Injustice

The Beauty of Differences

Teaching Our Kids How To be Good Helpers

God’s Providence in Our Family Histories

Rolling Justice MLK Day

Kids and Calling

Building Ebenezers to Remember God’s Faithfulness

Christmas Gifts of Kindness: Week Five

Advent Gifts of Kindness: Love Week Four

Advent Gifts of Kindness: Joy Week Three

Advent Gifts of Kindness: Peace Week Two

Advent Gifts of Kindness: Hope Week One

Generosity Starts at Home

One Generation Calls to the Next

Raising Curious Children in God’s Word and World

Praying Together

Did You Hear That? Helping Children Hear God's Voice

The Spirit Helps Me Too

Laying our Lives Down so Others Can Know God

Help Your Child See Others and Share God’s Love with Them

The Work of Reconciliation

Resources for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/Indigenous Peoples' Day

Our Words and Our Kids

Resources for Talking to Kids about Fear and Worry

What Is Truly Worthwhile?

Hospitality to All

Creative Evangelism

Tools for Dealing with Difficult People

A Heart for the Hurting: Helping Your Child Support Their Friend During Divorce

Family Loss, Conflict, and Change- A four week series

Equipping with Courage and Wisdom: Comforting Children Through Divorce

Encounters That Heal: Supporting Children Through Divorce or Separation

Braving the Storm: Helping Children Through the Change of Divorce

Authentic Faith: Small Power

Authentic Faith: Staying Connected

Authentic Faith: Worship Music

Authentic Faith: Working Behind the Scenes

Authentic Faith: Building Community

Chapters of God's Big Story

The Great Commission: God’s Love Reflected

Teaching Children About Ascension Day

God’s Strength Through Hard Times

Trusting in God's Protection

Celebrating Creation’s Diversity Near Home

Help Your Family See God in Nature This Spring

Creating Tree Spaces with God

The Good News About Easter

Time For a Bible Study

How To Read the Bible With Your Children

Join the Prayer Team

Why We Read the Bible

Talking to Your Kids About War: Informed and In Prayer

Assurance of God's Love

Listening to Love Our Neighbor

Preparing for Easter: A Family Lenten Devotional

Helping Children Become Agents of Change

Being Friendly in Jesus' Name

Let's Talk: Dumplings Means Family

Free DIY Kids Bible Activities, Ebooks, and Downloads

Be Different

Gratitude and Trust

Every Little Thing We Do

Christmas Eve-The Christ Candle

Advent At Home: Week 4—Love

Advent At Home: Week 3- Joy

Advent At Home: Week 2—Peace

Advent At Home: Week 1- Hope

Asking Supplication Prayers

Sharing Thanksgiving Prayers

Saying Confession Prayers

Learning Adoration Prayers

Teaching ACTS Prayers

Learning the Lord's Prayer (Week Two)

Sharing The Lord’s Prayer with our Kids (Week One)

Wondering About Zacchaeus

Spending Time Together With Jesus

Wondering About Young Jesus at the Temple

God Likes You Too

How to Make Your own Kids Corner “Mobile App”

God is With You

Discern Right from Wrong

A Small Sin is a Big Deal

Love Your Neighbor

Wonder the Big Questions

Care for God's Creation

Inspire Creation Wonder

Creative Church for Kids

God's Creative Gifts

Love Service

Created For Community

Isaiah 58's Call for Justice

Seeing God

God's Masterpiece

Give Hope and Encouragement

Practicing Honesty

Gratitude as an Action

God’s Big Rescue Plan

Humble Respect

Confessions Within Relationships

Kids and Church

Teaching to Give

Faith and Action Together

Show Me Your Ways, Lord

Trusting God's Plan

Bullying: What Can We Do?

The Emotions Of Being Called By God

Christmas: Love for the Long Haul

Christmas: Teaching Gratitude for God’s Gift

Teaching Gratitude

Teaching Thankfulness

Teaching About Justice and Mercy

Teaching Patience

Teaching Kindness

It's Okay to Lament

Doing the Next Right Thing: Dealing with Disappointment

Change of Plans: Dealing with Disappointment


Creating Beauty

Enjoying God's Creation

Loving My Neighbor

Caring For God's World

Doing What's Right

Discovering Wisdom

Exploring God's Design

Reflecting God

Serving Others

Worshiping God

Liz & Friends Characters





Martha Lacerta

Harry Lacerta



Miss Wattle


Granny Gecko

Grandpa Anole





Liz & Friends Episodes

Make A Difference! (Finale Part 4)

Seek and Find (Finale Part 3)

Lost and Alone (Finale Part 2)

Smoke and Fire (Finale Part 1)

A Very Good Day

Cheer Up Chamy

Chamy's Catastrophe

PAT Answers

An Exceptional Experiment

Heart of Grace

Chamy & the Professor

Change of Plans

The Miracle of Easter

Bible News: Gideon

The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Lonesome Chuckwalla

Nerbles and Noobles

Mumbly Maneuver

Carats in the Cupcake

I Spy Granny

There's An Ape for That

Future Forecast

Dine N Dash

Bruno's Back in Town

Zap Your Life

Sunday Selfie Superstar

Lights, Camera, Reaction

Pick and Roll

Lights Out


The New Improved Kayla

The Case of the Silver Coin

Fuzzy Focus

Hack Attack

Tent Terrors

We are One

Stand Up Spike

Tall Lizard Tale

Wreck the Halls

Mr. Reliable

The Christmas List Mystery

Mr. Weisenheim

Turkey Rocket

The Big Story

The Interview

Dirty Jobs

Down to the Nerves

The Call

The Wedding Gift

Facing Giants

Rich in Joy

At Your Service

In the Beginning: Part 2

In the Beginning: Part 1

18 Holes

To the Letter

How Many Channels?

Out of the Running

I Want to See



Get Out of Line

Follow My Gecko

Sinful Saturday

Fear Not

Tommy Twotoad

The Empty Tomb

Epic Story: Part 4

Epic Story: Part 3

Epic Story: Part 2

Epic Story: Part 1

Masked Chameleon: Part 2

Masked Chameleon: Part 1

Summer Blues

The Disoriented Express: Part 2

The Disoriented Express: Part 1

I'm the Boss

Circle of Friends

Consider It Pure Joy

Chuck T Dawg


On One Condition

Lizard Love Battle

Is That So?

Love Always

Imitation Irritation

Forget About It

Love Who?

Lucky Lizards

Scooter's Secret

Foul Ball

Law and Odor

The Heavens Declare

The Problem with Pride

Chef Boy R Liz

Lake Moss Monster

Beyond Belief

Chameleon Chaos

My Fellow Reptarians

Hold the Phone

Power Trip: Part 3

Power Trip: Part 2

Power Trip: Part 1

Fail Safe

Wrong Jump





Identified Flying Object

The Great Jewel Heist

Taking Care of Business

Liz For the Win: Part 3

Liz for the Win: Part 2

Liz for the Win: Part 1

Walk the Way

Lucille's New Friend

Past Imperfect

A Rocky Road

The Accidental Skateboardist

New School

On the Same Page

Modern St. Patrick

Kidnapped: Part 2

Kidnapped: Part 1

A Cry for Help


Radio Daze

A Star Is Bored

What's Eating Grandpa Anole? Part 2

What's Eating Grandpa Anole? Part 1

Found: Scooter's Adventure Part 3

Search and Rescue: Scooter's Adventure Part 2

The Stowaway: Scooter's Adventure Part 1

Closer Than A Brother

A Good Name

A Blessing in Disguise

The Champion

Trouble Comes to Town

All For One

Turtle Talk

Heroes Part 6: A Hero Returns

Heroes Part 5: Trust in the Lord

Heroes Part 4: Into the Abyss

Heroes Part 3: A Hero Stands By

Heroes Part 2: A Hero, God's Way

Heroes Part 1: A Hero in the Making

Liz's Progress

Do Not Covet

Pros and Cons

Merry X-Monsters

The Knights Before Christmas

Black Cats and Sidewalk Cracks

A Fair Shake

Wilderness Club

Prayer and Action


Debt Valley

Patrol of the Year


The Ninth Commandment

Mud, Bath, and Beyond

Running In Circles

Computer Caper

Just Follow


Never Give Up

Beat the Buzzer

Purloined Pie

Route 32

Seventh Commandment

Rough Weather

Liz and Jonah

Junk Food Junkies


The Six Clocks

A Few Good Lizards

What A Friend

Can I Get A Witness?

Lucille's Choice

Racing To Win

Team Lacerta

Bible News: Esther, Part Two

Bible News: Esther, Part One

What's the Big Deal?

Liz: Temptation Hunter

It's A Givin' Thing

Everybody's Good At Something

Who Needs A Best Friend?

Be Content

Internet Mayhem

Kind of Kind

Blizzd the Peacemaker

Attitude of Gratitude

Remembrance Day

A Work About Work

Keep Your Eye on the Comic Book

Don't Fence Me In

The Autograph

Don't Judge A Book . . .

The Great Divide

When Bad Stuff Happens

What Time is it?

Homework Alert

It's Called Murder

Need A Hand?

Dare Ya!

Obedience Class

Meet Gerald Drippan

Loaves & Fishes

God of Wonders

The Long Goodbye

Secret Mission: Friendship


Bible News: The Philippian Jailer

70 Times 7

Three On Responsibility

Just Teasing

Yeah, Whatever

I Quit!

Three Toes Willy

Honor Your Father

Bayou to the Future

I've Got A Secret

Goopy Goop Soup

End of the World

The 100% Club

A Trail of Lies

Walk It, Talk It

What Not To Wear

God Prints

And on the Seventh Day

What is the Measure of Your Success

Liz Miserable

What's in a Name?

For the Love of Liz

Hammer and Nails

Discord of Three

Where's Your Manners? 2

Where's Your Manners? 1

No Idols

No Other Gods

Sleepwalking Liz

Team Roaring Reptiles

The Scales of a Cheat

Nice Lizards Finish Last

No Star Baseball

The Great Jewel Robbery

All the News That's Fit to Print

Everything New

Bible News: Deborah

Trust and Obey

The Order of the Gator

Share and Share Alike

Mercy Me!

Lost and Found - 2

Lost and Found - 1

Morrie the Samaritan


Close Encounters

Mary's Miracle