Teaching The Beatitudes: Blessings for those who Mourn

Teaching The Beatitudes: Blessings for those who Mourn

October 12, 2024

Bible Verse

God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort!  Matthew 5:4

“God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort!” (Matthew 5:4). It’s hard to think someone filled with deep grief would feel blessed! However, Jesus isn’t referring here to hard losses like death. Although God cares deeply about these sorrows, the focus here is different. When Jesus talks about mourning in this passage, he refers to the deep sadness caused by sin, both our own personal sin and the effects that others’ sin has caused in the world around us. Sin strains our relationship with God. Acknowledging and repenting from our sins and being reassured of his forgiveness can move us to a state of comfort and peace.

Sin touches every part of our world, and our children are not immune to the grief that sin brings. Their own sin can cause them to feel sadness and guilt. They may also feel the effects that others’ sin has created in their world. However, Jesus’ promise of comfort is for our children as well!

Talking with your child about sin and sadness can be tricky. Your child may feel overwhelmed by the pain of their own sin and the hurt it has caused. Perhaps your child is living with brokenness caused by someone else. That hurts too. You can help your child move to live with comfort instead of mourning. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Sin: Explain what sin is if your child isn’t understanding. Sins are the things we do wrong. Our sin separates us from God. Sin hurts us and other people. All people are sinful.

  2. Sadness: Sin brings sadness. Allow your child to see you grieve over painful brokenness, whether it’s your own, others, or the brokenness in the world. Exposing them to the normalcy of a range of emotions will help them know they can feel things beyond happiness. However, be careful not to let it be overwhelming.

  3. Repentance: Repenting is hard! Admitting what you’ve done wrong and asking for forgiveness is one of the most challenging things a person can do! It takes courage and maturity. However, repentance and assurance of forgiveness lead to the peace God provides. Model repentance with your child. Make a habit of admitting when you made a mistake, and ask your child to forgive you. Talk about how hard it is to admit your errors. Share age-appropriate stories of when repenting and asking for forgiveness led to peace between you and an injured party and between you and God. 

  4. Compassion: We are called as God's family to demonstrate compassion. Model caring about the hurts of others. Show your child how to demonstrate Christ to others in how you comfort them.

  5. Promise: Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God and that our sadness won’t last forever. Talk with your child about how today’s world will one day be transformed into a place where there will be no more mourning, and God will wipe every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4).

We mourn now for the injustice in the world and the pain that sin causes. What comfort and peace we can rest in, knowing that there will come a day when there will be no more mourning, and God will make all things new! (Revelation 21:4,5)

Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire's article Helping Our Children Face Life's Disappointments

Lisa VanderKuip

Lisa VanderKuip

Lisa VanderKuip is a Learning Resource Teacher in Ontario, Canada. Each day, she enjoys sharing her love of reading with her students. One of her greatest joys is seeing kids who are struggling unlock the reading code. In her spare time, Lisa loves to golf with her husband and two grown children.

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