Your Smallest and Biggest Teachers

Your Smallest and Biggest Teachers

April 23, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Psalm 19, Matthew 6: 25-30

Memory Verse

Psalm 19:1


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Think about your yard. Do you have a favorite


The Bible says that everything in nature, no matter how big, small, or even slimy, can teach us something about God. That’s because he made everything with a purpose and he made a plan for all things. Squirrels bury nuts for food, but they are also helping to plant new trees. Many plants that were seen as “weeds” can be made into medicine. Even worms help our gardens grow more plants.

So, if God has a plan for something as simple as a weed, what kind of plans do you think he has for you? You were made special by God, and his love for you is even greater than his love for the rest of his creation.

Take time today to find something new in nature from your own backyard or the street where you live. Think about the colors, shapes, and sizes that God used to make his creation. Then, thank God for making everything special, especially you!


Dear God, thank you for making all things. You have a plan for the littlest bugs and the biggest trees, and you also have a plan for me. Help me see the ways that you made all things special. Amen.

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Brian Clark

Brian Clark

Brian Clark is the communications manager for Kids Corner’s parent ministry, ReFrame Ministries. In his role, he writes stories of God’s work around the world through media missions. He also has two young children.

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