Wonderful Creation, from Lions to Leviathans

Wonderful Creation, from Lions to Leviathans

April 30, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Psalm 104

Memory Verse

Psalm 104:31

31 Our , we pray that your glory will last forever and that you will be pleased with what you have done.

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If you are like the author of Psalm 104, you have learned about many of the plants and animals that God created. Lions roar across the savannah. Birds build their nests high in trees. Goats climb up mountains so steep that you wonder aloud, “How did they get up there?” Of course, the psalmist also lists some wildlife that you may never have heard about. Hyraxes are furry little animals with long front teeth. Juniper trees live all around the world, from the freezing tundra in the Arctic to the tropical forests of Africa. As for the frolicking Leviathan, not even experts know exactly what that animal could be!

But why did God make so many different environments, each with more plants and animals than we could ever imagine? We learn the answer in Psalm 104: “Our Lord, we pray that your glory will last forever and that you will be pleased with what you have done.” Just as you might be happy with your work after drawing a picture or building a fort, God is pleased by what he made. God created the tallest mountains and deepest valleys. He sends sunshine and rain to make the crops grow. Even wind and fire listen to him. All parts of creation give glory to God.

We are part of God’s creation, and we should praise God for all he shares with us. The author of Psalm 104 writes, “As long as I live, I will sing and praise you, the Lord God.” In the week ahead, remember the many amazing things he made for us to enjoy. Explore the beautiful world that God made and thank its Creator for everything you see.


Dear God, thank you for making the many plants and animals. I will praise your creativity and rejoice in the diversity of creation. Help me to reflect your creative Spirit in all that I do. In your name, Amen.

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Abby  Epplett

Abby Epplett

Abby Epplett works as a park ranger for the National Park Service at Big Thicket National Preserve in Texas. She recently earned a Master’s in Museum Education at Tufts University and is a member of Pleasant Street Christian Reformed Church in Whitinsville, MA.

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