A Good Name

Lucille and Liz compete in a game show called “Gut Check.” Are they both willing to win at all costs?

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Memory Verse

1 A good reputation and respect are worth much more than silver and gold.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 22:1



In this episode, Liz is tempted to cheat to win a contest. But good advice from Lucille and his dad convinces him that his reputation is more important than winning.

In the apostle Paul’s day, there were some people who believed that keeping God’s laws was a way to become rich. In 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Paul wrote that living for God for the right reasons is far better than being rich. First, trying to become rich makes people do things that are wrong. It can lead them into sins that they can’t escape. Second, Paul says that when we die we can’t take our riches with us. All the effort we spent to get money will be a waste. Only those things that we did for the Lord will remain when we get to heaven.

Want to dig deeper into what Jesus taught about choosing right over riches? Check out Proverbs 30:8-9; Matthew 6:19-21; Matthew 6:24.


Take a nice crisp piece of paper. Write "Reputation: Reflecting Jesus." Decorate it any way you like. Then crumple it up in a ball until it is all crushed. This is what happens when we sin, and choose the easy way instead of God's way. Now open the paper up again and spread it out flat. God has forgiven you! But is the paper as nice as it was before? Are you reflecting Jesus as well? The wrinkles that won't quite come out show the damage to your reputation. Is doing things the easy way worth damaging your ability to reflect Jesus to others?