16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. John 3:16
The four weeks leading up to Christmas are a special time for God's people to join together in anticipation of Christ's birth. This time is called Advent.
For full instructions on the Advent candles, click here.
Light the white pillar candle that represents Christ, the light of the world, on Christmas. Light the candles from the previous weeks also (Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love).
Have someone say, “Today is Christmas. We celebrate Christ coming to the world, and we light the Christ candle. We also light the candles of hope, peace, joy, and love.”
Dig Deeper
Talk about the devotion “Christmas: God’s Gift of Jesus.” You might say the prayer at the end of the devotion together.
To learn more about what it means to celebrate Christ in the world, read John 3:16-21.
Ask these questions: “Which of the gifts of kindness that you did this month were most memorable? Why? Which Advent themes (Hope, Peace, Joy, Love) did you see in them? Which ones would you like to do again?” Allow each family member to answer the questions, and then have a conversation about what love means to them. After the sharing time, say, “Let’s find ways to show how Jesus is God’s gift to everyone we meet this week.”
Are there any Gifts of Kindness that your family didn’t get to do? God’s gift of his Son was not just for Christmas, but for all time! Look for ways to share his gifts all year!
Listen to (or even sing!) a family-favorite Christmas carol like “Silent Night.”
We pray that participating in this Advent season has given your family a deep sense of anticipation for Christmas. May God bless you during this special season.
Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire's article Spiritual Intimacy: Immanuel Today