Kids in Action host Diana spends the day with Abby, Paige and Sydney who started a local food bank program. The sisters share Micah 6:8, talking about doing justice and loving mercy. It’s a story about helping the neighbors in our community.
1. Have you or a family member ever donated to a food bank? When have you donated? Where are the local food banks located in your community?
2. Sue Platt, manager of the food bank, says that it’s great to see families having a heart for others. What are some ways that you and your family have shown a heart for others?
3. Talk about a time when you decided to help in your church, your neighborhood or your community.
4. What does it mean to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”?
5. Read Luke 4:16-21. Jesus quotes Isaiah the prophet and lists the tasks he came to do on earth. Look at the list and describe how you and your family can do these things in your community.