Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
Genesis 15:5-6, Genesis 21:1-3
5 Then the took Abram outside and said, “Look at the sky and see if you can count the stars. That's how many descendants you will have.” 6 Abram believed the , so the was pleased with him and accepted him.
Genesis 15:5-6
1 The was good to Sarah and kept his promise. 2 Although Abraham was very old, Sarah had a son exactly at the time God had said. 3 Abraham named his son Isaac,
Genesis 21:1-3
Romans 8:28
28 We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose,
Have you ever looked up at the stars? They are light years away, and sometimes you have to squint to see the constellations. But through a telescope, the stars can suddenly look very clear and close, as if you could touch them. God’s promises for us are a lot like the stars. At first glance, God may seem so far away and his plans even farther. But he’s given us a great tool to help us see his plans more clearly. That tool is the Bible!
In the Bible, God promised Abraham that his family would grow to be as numerous as the stars. Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were very old. Abraham still believed God’s promise, at first. But after years went by with no baby, they became discouraged and doubted God’s promise. After all, it seemed so impossible and as far away as the stars.
God didn’t go back on his promise to Abraham and Sarah. When Abraham was one hundred years old, Sarah gave birth to their son, Isaac. He would grow up to have children and grandchildren through whom God would work to carry out his plans. God faithfully blessed their family and made them part of his big story.
When life is challenging or confusing, we too may become doubtful and discouraged. But the Bible is like a telescope that helps us zoom in on God’s plan; it reminds us that God works all things together for good. God gave us his Word to be the lens through which we can look at our lives. Ask him to make his promises clear and to help you trust in his plan. After all, he has written all the chapters of our lives, and he weaves them together to be a part of his wonderful story.