28 We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose, Romans 8:28
“But why?”
That was the most popular question of the year. The kids in our weekly children’s Bible study were tired of masks, tired of social distancing, and tired of Zoom. At that moment, words like “plans” and “promises” were easy to doubt. After all, it seemed like all the plans and promises of 2020 were canceled!
For many kids, the pandemic was and continues to be a challenging, confusing, and heartbreaking time. It is important for us to acknowledge and lament that fact. Our kids found comfort seeing that the Bible is full of challenging, confusing, and heartbreaking situations. Yet God worked through each of them for his glory and our good. Each twist and turn of the Bible’s narrative points us to Jesus. God has written our personal stories from beginning to end, and we should find hope and joy in the fact that we are a part of his story.
As your family reads the Bible together, reflect on the way God wove the lives of many people together to write his big story of rescue through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
God kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah by giving them a child. How can their lives teach us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts? How did God use Abraham’s life to grow his family? (Genesis 18:10-14; Genesis 21:1-3)
Joseph’s life wasn’t always easy, but God was always with Joseph. God put Joseph in a position to help his people and his family. How can we keep our eyes on Jesus when we are faced with tough times? (Genesis 50:19-21)
Jesus encouraged us not to get caught up in the worries of life but to seek God first, to trust in his Word, and to follow him. Together, ask God to help you trust that he will carry out his promises in his way and timing (Matthew 6:25-34).
Peter had messed up. Though he said he would never fall away from Jesus, he had denied his best friend, teacher, and Savior. But Jesus restored Peter and gave him another chance to follow him. How has Jesus forgiven you? How can he use your life for his glory (John 21:15-19)?
As characters in God’s story, we may face challenges. How does God help us through these difficult times? How can God’s Word help us run the race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1-3)?
Following Jesus isn’t about being comfortable; it’s about seeking God’s kingdom and trusting that his truth will withstand every storm of life. As your family navigates the many twists and turns of your own personal stories, remind your kids that they are chapters of God’s big story, and he is glad to be the author and perfecter of their faith.
To help your family create a plan and a space for Bible reading, check out two new resources from Kids Corner: Faith Practices for Families: Reading the Bible and The Bible in One Year Plan.
Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire's article Connecting Children to God's Story