A virus has infected Cole. The only way to save his life is with a blood transfusion, but will it work?
Before You ListenTheme: God can fix things.
1. Ephesians 2:13 says that “once you were far away from God.” Have you ever felt like you were far away from God?
2. All four of the Gospel writers —Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—tell the story of Jesus’ life on Earth. They also describe his death and his resurrection. (You can read John’s account in John 19 and 20.) Jesus was the true rescuer: he left heaven, became human, and died on the cross for our sins so that you and I wouldn’t have to pay that terrible price After giving his life for us, he was raised from the dead and welcomed back into heaven as the conquering hero. Now he welcomes everyone who calls on him. As you listen to this episode, think about the great sacrifice that Jesus made to save you and me from our sins.
In this episode, a sacrifice had to be made to save Cole’s life. Just like blood from the Professor’s son can save Cole, the blood of Jesus can save the world from sin. When Jesus died on the cross, he didn’t die for his sins, because he had none. He died to give the world a cure for sin. Have you ever heard the word “redemption?” Redemption, or to redeem someone, is to set them free by paying a ransom. Jesus redeems us by paying for the consequences of our sin and sets us free to live in a relationship with God.
Jesus gave his life for you. What does that tell you about how valuable you are to him?
Want to dig deeper and learn about redemption and Jesus’ sacrifice? Check out Hebrews 4:14-16, Philippians 2:6-11, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 7:25, and Romans 8:34.
Jesus died for you and me. What can you do today to show him how thankful you are for his sacrifice? How can you worship God today in song, words, or dance? What’s an act of service that you can do today to show your thankfulness? Make a list of good things that you can do to serve and worship Jesus, then choose one and do it!