Dare Ya!

Would you take a dare? Liz and the gang face a close call as they take on Skink's dangerous challenge!

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

2 Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.

Audio Icon   Romans 12:2



In this episode, Liz and his friends get carried away giving and taking dares that turn out to be dangerous.

The Bible is full of stories of people who were given a choice and made the wrong one. When Eve was given a choice, she made the wrong one and ate the apple in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6). When Esau was given a choice, he made the wrong one and sold his birthright for a bowl of soup (Genesis 25:29-33). When Peter was given a choice, he made the wrong one and denied knowing the Lord(Matthew 26:69-75). Their choices seemed like the right one at the moment, but they quickly proved to be the wrong ones.

The Bible is also full of stories of people who made right choices. We’ve already looked at Daniel. Another person who made the right choice was Moses. He could have stayed in Pharaoh’s palace and maybe even become the next Pharaoh. But he chose to stick with his people and lead them out of slavery (Hebrews 11:24-26).

Want to dig deeper and learn about making smart choices? Check out Psalm 37:7, Psalm 37:23, and 3 John 1:11.


The next time a friend or classmate asks you to go somewhere or do something and you aren’t sure if it’s right,, think about what you learned in this lesson. Write down a list of questions you can ask yourself to make the right choice. Here are two to get you started. Is this something that the world enjoys but God doesn’t want you to do? Is it something you would do if your parents were watching?