What does a true friend look like? Lucille is trying to figure out "friendship".
Before You ListenTheme: Greater love than this.
1. John 15:13-15 says, “Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants ... instead, I have called you friends.” Our Bible verse tells us that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. How did Jesus lay down his life for his friends?
2. In Luke 10:25-37, you can read the story of the good Samaritan. A traveler from the country of Samaria had to travel right through a foreign, unfriendly country. Off to the side of the road, he sees a man who looks dead. The Samaritan traveler stopped. He cleaned and bandaged the man's wounds, put the man on his donkey, and took him to the nearest inn. He paid the innkeeper money to take care of the man. He promised the innkeeper that he would return soon to check on the man. If the innkeeper needed more money, the Samaritan would pay. Think of the how the Samaritan showed selfless love as you listen to today’s program.
In this episode, Lucille learns what true friendship means. BFF stands for for "Best Friends Forever." Having a best friend is something most people want. It’s wonderful to have a friend who has the same interests that you do, and who gives you the benefit of the doubt when you do something stupid; someone who confides in you and who you can talk to; someone who will correct you when you need it and encourage you when you’re discouraged; someone who will celebrate with you when you do well and cry with you when you cry. In other words, a best friend is someone you can count on to always be on your side.
Jesus had friends when he lived on earth. He even had "best friends." Out of all the people who followed him, he chose twelve to travel with him and learn from him. Out of those twelve he chose three—Peter, James, and John—to be his best friends. There were also other friends who were special to him, like Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. He experienced all the ups and downs of friendship—like celebration (John 2:1-2), betrayal (John 18:2), misunderstanding (John 13:7), and rivalry (Mark 10:35-38, 41)—so he understands our need for friends and the joys and challenges of friendship.
The life-changing truth in our memory verse is that Jesus calls us his friends. We will always have a best friend, because this friend is Jesus and he will never let us down. He truly is a BFF, a best friend forever.
Want to dig deeper about being a Christ-like friend? Read Philippians 2:5-8, Proverbs 18:24 and 1 Peter 4:8.
Thank Jesus today for being your friend and for laying down his life for your salvation. Ask God to help you recognize and use opportunities to lay down your life for your friends. Think of one or two of your best friends. Write a note or message to thank them for being a great friend to you.