Walk the Way

Liz gets the band together to play a new song he's written. But what's getting in the way and ruining everything?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

2 Too much pride can put you to shame. It's wiser to be humble.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 11:2



In this episode, several characters were affected negatively by their pride. What is pride? Pride is the attitude that we don't need God and that we’re doing great all by ourselves. It's almost like you’re telling God, "Go take a hike. I've got everything under control, and I don't need you. I don't want you around."

Why is a prideful attitude so offensive to God? Think about it: God made us. He gave us the abilities to think, to feel, to act. When we aren’t grateful for what he has given us, or when we think that who we are has nothing to do with him, we’re acting like spoiled brats. Who wants to be around an arrogant little kid?

It's a good thing for us that God doesn't reject us, even when he totally rejects our pride. In fact, God has sent us a helper. The Holy Spirit nudges us when we are feeling proud. If we confess our pride to God, he is quick to forgive us and to help us with self-control and humility.

Pride leads us away from God. Pride leads us toward destruction, hurt feelings, and embarrassment. Stay far away from pride!

Want to dig deeper about pride? Read Proverbs 13:10, Proverbs 16:18, and Isaiah 25:11.


Set up a soft obstacle course using pillows and blankets. Blindfold yourself (or your family members) and try to work your way through the course. Discuss as a family how pride can make you blind to your sin and weaknesses, but being humble gives us wisdom.