Future Forecast

After an aptitude test, Spike is convinced he's good for nothing. How can Liz and the gang show him otherwise?

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After you listen

Memory Verse

10 God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. This is why he sent Christ to make us what we are.

Audio Icon   Ephesians 2:10



In this episode, Spike is upset because his career skills test came back blank. He worries about his future, but before long, he discovers that even he has talents God can use.

Your life probably won’t be as dramatic as Moses’s life was. You probably weren’t put in a basket and discovered by a king’s daughter. And you might never become the ruler of a large nation. But God created you for a purpose. He wants you to do good works that honor Him (Colossians 3:23-24).

God has given everyone gifts and abilities. He compares the church to a body. All of the parts of your body do different things. If you try to see with your big toe, it isn’t going to work well. If your ear decides to be your stomach, there will be problems. But if all the parts do what they’re supposed to, your body works well. It’s the same with the church. If everyone does their own job, using their own gifts and abilities, it works well.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about the good works God wants us to do? Check out Romans 12:4-8, Ephesians 4:11-12, 2 Timothy 2:20-21.


Think of one thing that you’re really good at. Maybe it’s drawing or figuring out computers or singing or making other people feel comfortable. Talk to your parents and your pastor or another leader in your church and ask for ways you can use what you’re good at to help out. You might not know what you’ll do when you’re older, but you’re old enough to do good works that help the church and honor the Lord.