The Great Jewel Robbery

At the 50th anniversary of the Terrene Town Square, Liz and Lucille uncover a 50 year old mystery. Who stole the jewels?

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Memory Verse

27 Being greedy causes trouble for your family, but you protect yourself by refusing bribes.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 15:27



In this episode, greed really hurt the founding family of Terrene. Gerald’s father owned all of Terrene, but his own son didn’t love him.

Sometimes people are greedy when they’re afraid they won’t get what they need or want. They can also be greedy when they want to have more than anyone else. In Colossians 3:5 Paul calls greed “idolatry.” Greed is when our want for things is more than our want for God; it’s also not trusting in God to provide for your needs. Greed is only thinking about yourself, when God wants you to care for others more than yourself. Greed is forgetting that God is the rightful owner of all that you have.


What’s the best way to fight an attack of “I WANT MORE!”? Sharing. Sharing is the opposite of greed. Is there something of yours that your little brother or sister would love to have? Can you let it go? How about your new toy or game?? Can you give it to someone who might not have as much as you do, and would love to have something new just for them? Share something you have or can do with someone else. Write down two ways you can share yourself with someone else. Tell someone in your family your plan, and then do it today! You’ll love the feeling you get from sharing!