Show the World

Show the World

January 8, 2022

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Philippians 2:12-16

Memory Verse

Ephesians 5:8

8 You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light

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Have you ever grumbled? Say the word “grumble” a couple of times. Most likely, it will make your eyebrows crease and your mouth turn to a frown. Grumble is an onomatopoeic word, or a word that describes a sound. So even saying “grumble” can make us look and feel a little cranky!

In Philippians 2, Paul wrote to a church telling them to do everything without grumbling or arguing. We can obey God by the caring way that we talk, the helpful attitude we adopt, and how we serve one another. In these ways, we show the world that Jesus has changed our lives and made us more like him. We shine God’s light in the world when we hold onto the joy we have in Jesus.

Jesus never said that following him would be easy. In fact, he said that we would have to lose our lives in order to find a new life with him. But when God calls our hearts to love him, he makes us new creations! That means that God takes our messy, grumbling old selves and gives us joyful hearts to worship him.

This week, take notice if you begin to grumble when you go about doing something, even if you feel frustrated or disappointed by it. In those moments, remember that God wants you to take a different attitude, one that is caring and helpful. After all, your words and actions should show that you are a new creation! God is at work in your heart so you can shine his light in each part of your life.


Dear God, I know that you are working in my heart. Please forgive me for the times I grumble. Please teach me to shine your light in the world, and help others to notice the difference that you make in my life. Amen.

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Areo Keller-Donahue

Areo Keller-Donahue

As soon as Areo could pick up a popsicle stick, she was making puppets and putting on plays that shared her faith with her neighbors. Areo grew up with a strong interest in musical theatre and earned her BFA at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Areo was led to use artistic gifts to share the gospel with young ones, and she became involved in ministry. She has worked in children's ministry at Redeemer Upper West Side and North Way Christian Community and is currently developing a musical live-action series that celebrates faith and fun. Areo and her husband live in Pittsburgh, where they enjoy spending time with their families and adorable cat, Daisy.

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