Encouragement: Teaching Generosity

Encouragement: Teaching Generosity

August 26, 2023

Bible Verse

25 Generosity will be rewarded: Give a cup of water, and you will receive a cup of water in return.  Proverbs 11:25

Some days are harder than others, like when you look at your kids fighting over toys, remotes, or the biggest piece of pie.

How can we teach children to consider others first and learn generosity? How can our family model a generous spirit?

Talk about generosity together. Here are some questions to begin your conversation:

  • What is one example of a selfish act and one example of an unselfish act?

  • How do we share at home with each other?

  • If someone is kind to me, how do I say thank you?

  • What do we have that we can share with someone else? (time, words, money, food …)

  • How can we as a family be a blessing to others?

Be generous together. Have a family discussion about who you might encourage together. Be intentional together and create a jar with the names of each person or group you can think of, and then once a week pick a name and brainstorm together. Depending on the situation, you might:

  • Share some homemade goodies (or buy some!).

  • Babysit for a young family.

  • Give fresh flowers.

  • Share a smile.

  • Share the remote control, your toys, or your games.

  • Send an encouraging text message.

  • Share a word of encouragement.

  • Ask someone about their day and really listen.

  • Bring someone a meal.

  • Adopt a grandparent whose grandkids live far away.

  • Befriend someone in a retirement home.

  • Invite another family on a picnic.

Don’t limit your ideas to these ideas, but use them as springboards to what you decide as a family.

Learn together. After some family acts of service, discuss these questions:

  • How have you seen God at work? What have you learned about him?

  • What surprised you the most?

  • How have you been encouraged?

  • Where do you see blessings?

Pray together. As one more action, pray together for the person or group that you served. Pray for the need that you saw, and pray for that person to receive what’s been given with grace and understanding. Pray for more blessings on that person, and thank God for the ability to serve him in everything that we can do.

In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul concludes this section by saying, “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15). He ends with the generosity of Jesus. Jesus cares about us, and we can love Jesus back by being generous. Jesus’ example transforms us so that we become generous people. God has given us everything we need to be generous. It’s time to start.

Want to do a deep dive about generosity?

Check out Family Fire's article Giving Our Blessing

Read The Turquoise Table by Kristen Schell

Read as a family Together is Better by Simon Sinek

Beth Fellinger

Beth Fellinger

Beth Fellinger has been hanging out in ministry for 40 plus years as a pastor, as the Canadian Youth Director for Alpha, leader of the local region for Mothers Who Care, and also serving coffee and cinnamon buns to neighbours at the Ugly Couch Care (aka Turquoise Table). She and her husband Barry have two children, two in-law kids and 5 grandchildren. Nothing gives Beth greater joy than introducing people to Jesus.

more posts by Beth Fellinger »

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