Liz discovers a superhero in an unexpected place. Who is this hero and where did that lizard come from?
Before You ListenTheme: The grey hair of experience.
1. What is a good lesson that you’ve learned from an older person?
2. In Luke 2:21-38, you meet Simeon and Anna, two very old people, who were real servants of God. Anna was 84 years old, but she never left the temple. She worshiped God night and day, fasting and praying. Simeon is described as righteous and devout, and he had the Spirit of the Lord on him. The Holy Spirit told Simeon that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. When Jesus was a baby, Mary and Joseph brought him to the temple, and both Simeon and Anna met Jesus. Simeon swept Jesus up into his arms, praised God, and blessed the family. When Anna saw Jesus, she also thanked God, and she told everyone she met about the hope that he would bring. As you listen to this episode, think about the older Christians in your life who praise and thank God every day.
In this episode, Liz learns respect for older people. Are older people part of your family life? Some people have grandparents living nearby. Others "adopt" an older person to be their honorary grandparent. Spending time with older people can be a wonderful experience, especially when we listen to their stories. The Bible doesn’t look down on or ignore older people. It says that the experience of the old can encourage the young (Psalm 37:25). God's children don’t retire from this privilege and responsibility (Psalm 71:18, Psalm 92:4)!
Want to dig deeper and learn more about respecting older people? Check out Proverbs 16:31 and Proverbs 22:17.
What is your family doing to show honor and respect to older people in your neighborhood? Your church? Your extended family?