Faith and Action

Faith and Action

March 1, 2025

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

James 2:14-26, Romans 12:9-13

Memory Verse

Romans 12:9

9 Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good.

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Has someone ever surprised you by doing something kind for you? Maybe your brother did one of your chores without being asked. Perhaps your neighbor brought over some cookies, just because? Maybe your classmate helped clean up the juice you spilled? How did you feel when someone did an unexpected kind thing for you? We know someone cares for us because their actions let us feel it.

In Romans 12:9, God says, “Be sincere in your love for others.” In James 2:14-16, God tells us that if we truly have faith, we can’t help but also do good things!

What does this faith in action look like? There are countless ways to show your faith in what you do every single day! Here are just a few examples: Help someone in your family with their chores. Read to a little sibling. Help to clean up a mess without being asked. Pick some wild flowers for a grandparent. Show your love for people in your community by saying hello and smiling when you meet them on the street. Rake leaves, pick up trash, or shovel snow for a neighbor. You can put your faith into action anytime, anywhere! Ask God to help you find ways to act in love for the people around you. Once you get in this habit, God will show you new opportunities every day!


God, please help me see the times and places that I can show my love for you by putting that love into action. I want to show my faith with my actions because I love you. Amen.
Lisa VanderKuip

Lisa VanderKuip

Lisa VanderKuip is a Learning Resource Teacher in Ontario, Canada. Each day, she enjoys sharing her love of reading with her students. One of her greatest joys is seeing kids who are struggling unlock the reading code. In her spare time, Lisa loves to golf with her husband and two grown children.

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