Power Trip: Part 3

Before their mission trip is over, Liz and his friends discover a great way to draw people closer to God.

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

18 A real love for others will chase those worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows we have not really learned to love.

Audio Icon   1 John 4:18



In today’s episode, Spike learns that showing God’s love to people leads them to Jesus more effectively than scaring or shaming them. The islanders are interested in learning more about God because the missionaries comforted and cared for them during and after the storm.

In the early church there was a woman named Dorcas. The Bible says that Dorcas was, “always doing good and helping the poor.” After she died, people were very sad. Dorcas made God real by taking care of people around her. In this way, she led many people to Jesus (Acts 9:36-42).

Telling people that God is going to judge them for their sins is true. But it doesn’t seem to lead many people to God. If scaring people about God doesn’t work, what does? Serving others, caring for others, and showing people what God’s love looks like—like Dorcas did. All of these actions make people curious about God.

Want to dig deeper about leading people to God? Read all of 1 John 4 as a good summary of all three Power Trip episodes.


Do you know someone who needs to know God? What can you do to show God’s love to that person today? Think of a specific person. Write down ideas of ways you can draw that person closer to God through your actions. Pray and talk to God about your ideas. Ask for his help—and then do it!