Who is your best friend? What’s the best part about being best friends? Help Liz figure out how to be a best friend on this week’s Kids Corner.
Before You ListenTheme: Being a good friend.
1. What makes someone a good friend?
2. Friendship is wonderful, but keeping a friendship strong can sometimes take hard work. One of the most famous people in the Bible, the Apostle Paul, depended on his friends.
Barnabas defended Paul, (Acts 9:26-27) even when everyone was still afraid of him. Luke traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys (Acts 28:1-16) and John Mark, remained a friend in spite of some difficulties early in their friendship (Acts 15:37-41; 2 Timothy 4:11). Think about the important people that God has placed in your life as you listen to today’s episode.
A: To write an essay about their best friend.
A: Because they were told they couldn’t pick each other to write about.
A: She tried to be like Lacey, then like Chamy, and then like Marci.
In this episode, Liz and his friends struggle to make new friends. When you meet a new person, what might make them a new friend? How can you be a friend to those around you? A friend should be able to count on you when they need help or when they are hurting.
One of the amazing truths about Jesus is that he really wants to be best friends with you—our Lord wants you for a friend! You need to be wise when you choose your friends—and Jesus, the best friend ever, will help you. He’ll give you wisdom when you choose best friends, and will help you BE a best friend. Friends rock—just ask Paul! He would never leave home without them!
Want to learn more about friendship? Check out John 15:12-15, Proverbs 22:24-25 and Ephesians 4:29-32.
Set a goal this week to do one encouraging thing for each of your friends. Draw a picture of something you like to do together. Send an encouraging text. Put a friendly note in a desk. Share a treat. GIve a sincere compliment. Show your friends that they are a gift from God, and that you value them.