Following God’s Lead

Following God’s Lead

September 2, 2023

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Matthew 7:24-29

Memory Verse

Psalm 127:1a

1 Without the help of the it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.

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Imagine if my neighbor was building a new house, and I decided I wanted to go help out. But there’s one problem: I don’t know what to do! What if I showed up with my hammer and some nails, ready to help with the project, but no one gave me instructions when I got there? I would probably look around and decide all by myself the best place to use my tools. I might work hard that day but discover later that all of that hard work didn’t help build the house.

Instead, I would need someone in charge to stop me and tell me what to do. The boss would know all of the plans for the house and what kind of work would be helpful. Then I would know that all my hard work had a purpose.

Think about this: It’s possible to do work FOR GOD and not do that work WITH GOD. There’s a big difference.

Doing work FOR GOD might come from a desire to serve him, but if we do it on our own, we won’t have the strength, certainty, or ability to do it. But, when we work WITH GOD, we stop and ask God what he wants us to do, and we join him in what he’s already doing.

When we are building WITH GOD, he gives us what we need and directions for where to go. When our instructions come from him, our hearts can rest, because we know we are doing the right things, and God gives us the strength to do them!


Lord, thank you for always providing what I need. Please help me to remember to always follow your lead. Amen.

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Curtis Zackery

Curtis Zackery

Curtis Zackery is a pastor and writer who loves to share the love of God with others. Curtis enjoys reading, jogging, and trying new foods. His favorite thing in the world is having family fun with his wife, Monique, and his two sons Noah and Micah.

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