Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
Proverbs 3:27-30, Matthew 25:35-40
27 Do all you can for everyone who deserves your help. 28 Don't tell your neighbor to come back tomorrow, if you can help today. 29 Don't try to be mean to neighbors who trust you. 30 Don't argue just to be arguing, when you haven't been hurt.
Proverbs 3:27-30
35 When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, 36 and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me.” 37 Then the ones who pleased the Lord will ask, “When did we give you something to eat or drink? 38 When did we welcome you as a stranger or give you clothes to wear 39 or visit you while you were sick or in jail?” 40 The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.”
Matthew 25:35-40
Hebrews 13:1-2
1 Keep being concerned about each other as the Lord's followers should. 2 Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.
When you read the Bible and find out that there are angels around us, how do you picture them? Do you think they have a glowing, heavenly light shining on them? Or majestic wings like the ones on Christmas ornaments?
We don’t always know what an angel looks like. Sometimes, the Bible just tells us their name. That was the case with the angel Gabriel, who told Mary that she would give birth to our Savior, Jesus Christ (Luke 1:26-38). Other times, the Bible tells us that some angels looked like men. Three of them sat and ate a meal with Abraham (Genesis 18). So, it’s very possible that an angel could look like a classmate, a neighbor, or a stranger who lives on the street!
In Hebrews 13:2, we are reminded to show hospitality to strangers. Hospitality means being friendly by providing food and drink, and even a place to stay, to anyone who needs it. Hospitality is one way to show God’s love to others. Even if you don’t know a person well, you can still love them like you would your brother or sister, because we are all God’s children. Just follow the call of Jesus to feed the hungry, care for the sick, and cloth those who need clothes to wear (Matthew 25:35-40). And remember what the King says, “‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
So, the next time you see someone in need, ask your parent and God what’s the best way to show his love to them. Perhaps it’s inviting a lonely classmate over for a playdate, or donating clothes and toys to a local charity, or passing out food at a local food pantry. Who knows? You just may be serving up snacks to an angel without even knowing it!