Kids In Action host Maya meets Mikayla climbs up one of the tallest buildings in the world to raise funds to help nature and wildlife thrive.
1. Name a favorite animal. Why do you like that animal?
2. In the video, Mikayla says, “We don't own the Earth. We are called to take care of it for God. There are so many different little things we can do to make a difference, and you don't have to do them all at once.” What are some of the ways that Mikayla suggests that we take of the Earth?
3. Talk about a time when you or a family member saw something beautiful in nature.
4. In the creation story, God gives Adam a job to do. Genesis 2 verse 15 says, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it." Why should you and your family take care of God’s world?
5. Talk some more about the Creation care suggestions that Mikayla listed. Which of these activities can you work on as a family? Which ones do you already do?