Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
“I will listen to you, Lord God, because you promise peace to those who are faithful and no longer foolish.” (CEV)
Karl was making Antonie’s life miserable. He’d bump him in the halls and knock down his school books. He’d cut in front of him at the monkey bars. He’d never pass to him during basketball.
Antoine told his dad about it after practice.
“I’m sorry, son. Some people are mean sometimes,” said his dad. “Let’s pray that God will fill you with peace, even if Karl doesn’t change.” He gave Antoine a hug. “Remember, just because Karl is acting unkindly, doesn’t mean you should treat him the same. When we’re praying for peace and being kind to others, God will give us peace even if the situation doesn’t change.”
Our actions, the way we live out our love of God, bring about his peace. It's a peace that we will feel even in times of conflict. God promised the Israelites that they would feel his peace even as he was talking about them having to fight. That’s the same peace he promises us.
And it’s this sense of peace, even when things are terrible, that gives us hope. When we let God’s love fill us, we feel peace even when we are hurt. And when we experience his peace, we can feel hopeful about tomorrow, because we know we can trust that God has a plan even if we don’t understand it.
This doesn’t mean that God will only give us his peace if we are perfect. But if we choose to put our hope and trust in God, it will be easier to notice his blanket of peace on us.