Random Acts of Kindness are breaking out all over. Who's doing it? And how can Liz discover how to be kind—even when it’s hard.
Before You ListenTheme: Catching kindness.
1. 2 Timothy 2:24 says that we should not be “troublemakers.” What does it mean to be a troublemaker? Do you ever disagree with people without a good reason?
2. When Jesus heard that John the Baptist has been killed, he went out away from the towns so he could be alone. But the crowds knew he could heal the sick, and they followed him. He could have sent them away. Or he could have kept on moving until he was alone. But, “he felt sorry for them and healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14). Soon it was evening, and most of the people had no food. The disciples wanted to send the people away. But again, Jesus was kind. He took all the available food—five small loaves of bread and two fish—and he performed a miracle, making enough food for everyone. Think about what it means to be kind as you listen to today’s episode.
In this episode, Liz and his friends see an example of kindness when a helpful stranger comes to town.
In Matthew 25:35-40, we learn why we should be kind. Jesus wants us to model his kindness to others. He says that when we feed those who are hungry, or give shelter to those who have no homes or clothes to those who don’t have enough, it’s the same as being kind to him. He told his disciples to take care of the sick and visit those in prison. It is God’s will that we are kind to those who need help in any way we can.
Want to dig deeper into what the Bible says about kindness? Check out Proverbs 19:17; Ephesians 4:32; James 2:1-8.
In Matthew 25:35-40 Jesus mentioned some ways that we should be kind. Think of a way that you and your family can be kind in the ways Jesus mentioned.
What else can you do to be kind to those less fortunate?