It's A Givin' Thing

Liz and Lucille are trying to get the perfect gift for one another—with surprising results. And how can Scooter demonstrate a giving spirit when he meets a lizard without a home?

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Memory Verse

7 You do everything better than anyone else. You have stronger faith. You speak better and know more. You are eager to give, and you love us better. Now you must give more generously than anyone else.

Audio Icon   2 Corinthians 8:7



In this story, Liz and Lucille both gave up something important to them so they could give to someone else. Sacrificial giving pleases God. But people don’t very often give until it hurts. Do you give your “leftovers”—whatever is left over after all the needs and wants are taken care of. Instead of holding tightly to what you have, ask God to help you hold everything loosely so you can give generously, even if it hurts. In 2 Corinthians 8:3, Paul congratulates churches for giving even beyond their own ability. Giving “beyond your own ability” means that you’re making sacrifices in order to give more. This is really hard!

Want to dig deeper and learn more about other biblical characters who chose to give? Check out Mark 12:41-44, Luke 8:1-3 and Acts 18:26.


One thing you can give is money. Many Christians use the biblical guideline of tithing to determine what they give away; that is, they give a “tithe,” or one-tenth of all their resources. Giving sacrificially would mean to give a large amount of your allowance away, like 90%, and keep only 10%? Could you do this for one week? One month?

Another thing you can give is time. How much time can you give to serving others? Try giving time you want for yourself to someone else, like a sibling who wants to play a game, or a parent you can help by emptying the dishwasher. Try giving time this week!