Encouragement: Hold Me Up!

Encouragement: Hold Me Up!

August 19, 2023

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Exodus 17:10-16

Memory Verse

Exodus 17:12

12 After a while, his arms were so tired that Aaron and Hur got a rock for him to sit on. Then they stood beside him and supported his arms in the same position until sunset.

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Have you ever tried to stand on one foot for ten minutes without losing your balance? Can you do it more easily while holding on to someone/something? Maybe try it both ways to decide.

Moses led the children of Israel to their new home away from Egypt, and now Israel’s enemies were ready to fight. Moses knew that even though God had called him to be Israel’s leader, he would need others to defeat all the obstacles. If he listened to God and obeyed what God said, he knew that God would help them.

When the time came for Moses to hold his arms up over the battlefield, his friends Aaron and Hur were there to help hold his arms up. Moses needed the encouragement of his friends to keep going. Because of their encouragement, they were able to win the battle and defeat the enemy.

Afterward, Moses must have felt very happy and thankful for his friends. He knew when he was most tired that he could rely on them.

When we use words of encouragement or help someone, we are like Aaron and Hur in the story. We’re like Moses when we accept the help of others. Maybe today you could think of someone who could use your help and encouragement. Which of your friends could help you?


Thank you, God, that you have created us to work together. Thank you for friends who help and encourage us. Help us to encourage our family and friends when they need us. Amen.

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Beth Fellinger

Beth Fellinger

Beth Fellinger has been hanging out in ministry for 40 plus years as a pastor, as the Canadian Youth Director for Alpha, leader of the local region for Mothers Who Care, and also serving coffee and cinnamon buns to neighbours at the Ugly Couch Care (aka Turquoise Table). She and her husband Barry have two children, two in-law kids and 5 grandchildren. Nothing gives Beth greater joy than introducing people to Jesus.

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God is Powerful
Encouragement: Bless Others