The Problem with Pride

Liz has an amazing opportunity to meet a famous rock star—unless his pride gets in his way!

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Memory Verse

18 Too much pride will destroy you.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 16:18



In this episode, Liz’s pride gets out of hand after he wins the school talent show. When he is mean to Goldie, it ruins his chance to meet Carter J. We see a similar situation in the Old Testament book of Esther.

In Esther 3:1-5, Haman worked for King Xerxes. The king gave him a seat of honor and told all the royal officials that when Haman walked by, they had to kneel down to honor him.

Life was grand for Haman….until he noticed one day that a pesky Jewish man named Mordecai didn’t kneel. Mordecai was a nobody, while Haman was the second most important man in the kingdom. Haman wanted to destroy Mordecai, but even that wasn’t enough to satisfy his pride. Haman decided he would also destroy every Jewish person in the entire kingdom.

Haman’s plan would have worked, but God had a different plan. Not only did Haman have to swallow his pride and honor Mordecai in front of everyone, but when King Xerxes found out about Haman’s secret plan to wipe out Mordecai and his people, he had Haman put to death. You can read the whole story in Esther 6-7.

Haman had it all—wealth, honor, the King’s delight—but he lost it all, even his life, because of his pride.

Want to dig deeper and learn about the problem with pride? Check out Isaiah 2:11, Psalm 10:3-4, and Proverbs 6:16-19.


Pride makes us build up ourselves instead of encouraging other people. In this episode, Liz lost a chance to do something special because he was mean to a new student.

Think about your words. How much of what you say puts other people down so that you feel better about yourself? Make a plan to encourage other people. Start by saying five nice things to other people every day. Can you add more?