Care For God's World

Care For God's World

July 24, 2021

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Genesis 1:28, Psalm 8:3-8

Memory Verse

Psalm 24:1

1 The earth and everything on it, including its people, belong to the . The world and its people belong to him.

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Do you have some jobs where you help others? Maybe you water your neighbor’s garden or help your younger sibling with homework. Maybe you help by feeding your pet goldfish or playing fetch with your family’s dog. Caring for animals, plants, and other people can be challenging, but it’s actually part of following God’s plan for your life.

The Bible tells us that in the beginning, God made everything and said it was good. He made humans to be like himself and gave them a beautiful garden to live in. It was their job to take care of the garden so God’s world could grow. Their jobs may sound pretty special, but we have the job to care for the world, too! Psalm 24:1 tells us that everything in the world belongs to God. We are God’s wonderful creation, and he gives us the chance to help him care for the world.

This week, think of things you can do to take care of God’s world. Even simple things—like watering plants, feeding a pet, or helping your little brother learn how to tie his shoes—are ways you can worship God with your actions! By treating the world, plants, animals, and other people with kindness and respect, you care for God’s world!


Dear God, I know that you have created everything. Thank you for a beautiful world. Please help me to appreciate all that you have given me. Please teach me to take care of your creation. Amen.

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Areo Keller-Donahue

Areo Keller-Donahue

As soon as Areo could pick up a popsicle stick, she was making puppets and putting on plays that shared her faith with her neighbors. Areo grew up with a strong interest in musical theatre and earned her BFA at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Areo was led to use artistic gifts to share the gospel with young ones, and she became involved in ministry. She has worked in children's ministry at Redeemer Upper West Side and North Way Christian Community and is currently developing a musical live-action series that celebrates faith and fun. Areo and her husband live in Pittsburgh, where they enjoy spending time with their families and adorable cat, Daisy.

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