Word Power MLK Day

Word Power MLK Day

January 18, 2025

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Amos 5:10-27

Memory Verse

Amos 5:24

24 But let justice and fairness flow like a river that never runs dry.

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Did you know words have power? Your words. Your neighbor’s words. Everybody’s! Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew that. He used his word power to help people see each other as equals, no matter their skin color. All around the world, people honor Dr. King for his work and words, especially for the way he shared God’s words.

In his I Have a Dream speech, Dr. King boldly stated, “No, no we are not satisfied and will not be satisfied until justice flows down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.” We find similar words in Amos 5:24. God spoke these words through Amos the prophet to remind the people that justice and righteousness work together. Just like water easily streams, justice and righteousness should flow easily to all people. No matter what you look like or where you come from, God wants all of us to enjoy justice and righteousness.

In 2025, sixty-two years will have passed since Dr. King wrote and spoke those words and over 2,700 years since Amos did the same, yet they are just as powerful today and greatly needed. Every time you see water flowing or a stream skirting along with nothing stopping its flow, remember that is how God wants all human beings to give and receive justice. Freely. Covering all in its path.


Dear God, you created us all in your image. May we work to ensure that all men and women equally receive justice and righteousness. Give us a desire to follow your guidance so that we may live together in peace. Amen.

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Brenda M. Croston

Brenda M. Croston

Brenda M. Croston serves as the women's ministry leader at Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church, Nashville TN. She is privileged to enjoy life with Mark. Together they have four adult children and two beautiful granddaughters.

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