Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
I Timothy 5:1-2, Proverbs 16:31, Proverbs 23:22
1 Don't correct an older man. Encourage him, as you would your own father. Treat younger men as you would your own brother, 2 and treat older women as you would your own mother. Show the same respect to younger women that you would to your sister.
I Timothy 5:1-2
22 Pay attention to your father, and don't neglect your mother when she grows old.
Proverbs 23:22
1 Peter 5:5
5 All of you young people should obey your elders. In fact, everyone should be humble toward everyone else. The Scriptures say, “God opposes proud people, but he helps everyone who is humble.”
Anita sat down with her family at a restaurant and pulled out her phone to see if her friends had said anything about the movie they’d been planning to see together on opening night. But Anita’s parents decided that tonight was the best time to go out for dinner with her grandparents. Now, instead of watching the movie with her friends, she was sitting in a restaurant.
“Please put your phone away,” said her mother.
Anita lowered it to her lap and pretended to study the menu. Her parents and grandparents asked her a few questions, but Anita didn’t answer. Her mother spoke to her again, but she didn’t care. “I’m going to the bathroom.” She grabbed her phone and went to find out what was going on with her friends.
Chances are you’ve had a similar experience when it felt like your parents made decisions without considering your plans. But have you ever considered how they feel when you ignore or glare at them?
It’s important to act respectfully, even when we’re upset. What can you do to be kind or respectful to someone when you’re angry? One thing you can try is reminding yourself that God made that other person in his image (Genesis 1:27). Today’s verse tells us to obey our elders and “be humble toward everyone else” (1 Peter 5:5). By showing them respect, you’re showing respect to God’s special creation.
Your big feelings matter, but that doesn’t mean you can be mean or disrespectful to someone, especially a parent. Maybe your big feelings can overwhelm you or maybe you keep them in check. Either way, work hard to "be humble" and show respect as best you can.