The Holy Spirit Builds the Early Church: Audio Bible Stories from the New Testament

The Holy Spirit Builds the Early Church: Audio Bible Stories from the New Testament

March 13, 2025

The last chapters of the gospels and the Book of Acts tell the exciting story of how Jesus' followers spread his message to people everywhere, even when they faced danger. God gave them courage and power with the Holy Spirit through miracles, journeys, and challenges. The significance of the historical events in Acts shows how God's love reached the world—and how we can share it today!

We’ve assembled 10 dramatized audio Bible stories to tell the story of these fantastic events. Your children can listen to “The Holy Spirit Builds the Early Church” stories right here on our website or on your favorite podcast platform

The Women at the Tomb. The women came to prepare Jesus’ body for burial. Instead, they found an empty tomb and two men dressed in shining white clothes. Jesus is alive! 

Jesus Appears to His Disciples. After his resurrection, Jesus stayed on earth for 40 more days. What did he do? What did he say? And what happened when he ascended into Heaven?

The Story of Pentecost. What was it like the day that the Holy Spirit came? God fulfilled a great promise!

The Story of Stephen. Stephen was a follower of Jesus who bravely shared the Good News even when it meant danger to himself. Listen to this story of the first Christian martyr.

Philip and the Ethiopian. What would you say if someone asked you who Jesus is? Obeying God’s command, Philip met an important official on a desert road and told him about Jesus.

The Story of Paul’s Conversion. Meet Saul, a man who persecuted Christians whom God transformed into the greatest missionary in history, the Apostle Paul.

The Story of Dorcas. Have you ever met anyone who reminded you of Jesus? Meet Dorcas, a woman with a gift of hospitality who cared for the widows' needs in her community.

The Story of Lydia. Has the message of God's love ever amazed you so much that you could feel your heart changing within you? Then you should meet Lydia.

The Story of Paul and Silas. Beaten and jailed, Paul and Silas knew that even in the most difficult times, they needed to pray to God. Imagine everyone’s surprise when they heard the two men singing hymns and praying to God!

Paul in Athens. God gave Paul a critical mission: telling others how Jesus died to save them. But that mission wasn’t easy. Here’s the story of what happened to Paul in Athens.

Kids Corner is a place for your children to discover their roles in God’s big story and learn how God calls them to live out their Christian faith every day! Subscribe to receive weekly Kids Corner children’s devotions in your email (see below). You’ll find lots more audio Bible Stories. And don’t miss the fun with our classic “Liz & Friends” podcast or our “Kids in Action” videos to see the amazing things kids are doing for God’s kingdom right now. We also have ebooks, crafts, and other downloads to help enhance your child’s exploration of God’s big story.

Christopher Hunt

Christopher Hunt

Chris loves to see God transform lives through the gospel. He serves as Marketing Communications Manager at Kids Corner's parent ministry, ReFrame Ministries. Prior to ReFrame, he marketed children's and youth programs at the ministry of Awana. Chris was a torpedoman on a US Navy submarine. Chris and his wife have five children, two cats, and a little dog named Cocoa. In his free time, Chris enjoys playing board games.

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