Elisha the Prophet

Elisha the prophet brought God's Word to his people and did many miracles.

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Memory Verse

Maybe there's something I can do to help,” Elisha said. “What do you have in your house?”

Audio Icon   2 Kings 4:2



Elisha was an important prophet who served a very powerful God. As we heard in this story, God turned a small amount of oil into so much oil that a woman was able to pay off her debt, and God even raised a woman’s son from the dead. Because Elisha loved God and people, he asked God to help out a lot of other people too. And because God loves his people, he made water safe to drink (2 Kings 2:19-22), made an ax head float (2 Kings 6:1-7), and fed a lot of hungry people (2 Kings 4:42-44). But God loved us so much that he wanted to do even more. So, he came down to earth as Jesus to save us.

You can read more about Elisha’s story in 2 Kings 4. Want to dig deeper and read more of the ways Elisha and Jesus are similar? Check out Luke 7:11-17, Mark 6:30-44, and John 2:1-11.


You might not be able to make oil multiply, but you can use it to help others. With some help from your parents or guardians, bake some cookies or make a meal and bring it to a friend of yours or someone you know who might like a surprise treat.