Family Advent: Week 1- The Prophecy

Family Advent: Week 1- The Prophecy

November 30, 2024

Bible Verse

6 His power will never end; peace will last forever. He will rule David's kingdom and make it grow strong. He will always rule with honesty and justice. The All-Powerful will make certain that all of this is done.  Isaiah 9:6

The four weeks leading up to Christmas are a special time for God's people. This time of year is called Advent. In this month’s devotion and parent blog series, we’ll address The Promise of God to His People, The Servant of God, The Baby Sent by God, and The Blessing from God, which all bring the message of love the season brings. In this first week, your family can use the activities to discuss The Promise of God.

There are many prophecies found in the Old Testament. God used prophets such as Jeremiah, Elijah, and Isaiah to bring messages of truth to his people. Isaiah brought God's prophecy to Judah when they needed it most. As we prepare to enter the Christmas season, we still need the hope of the message of the Messiah Jesus, who has already been born and has come to the world; however, he will return. Because we have the promise and have seen the fulfillment of his birth, we can trust God's word to know that the promise of Christ’s return will be revealed again.

In the first week of Advent, focus on the prophecy:

A child has been born for us.
We have been given a son
who will be our ruler.
His names will be
Wonderful Advisor
and Mighty God,
Eternal Father
and Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 CEV

As a family, identify the names of Christ listed in the verse and discuss what these names mean and the promises of God they reflect.

What to Do:

First, ask your child to tell you what they believe the words in the name mean and give an example.

Next, review their understanding of the words with the actual meaning.

As a family, draw pictures of what it means for Jesus to be our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, or Prince of Peace.

Use the definitions below to assist you as you help your children understand Jesus' different names.


A person who gives advice


Possessing might: powerful


Lasting or enduring through all time: eternal


A state of tranquility or quiet; freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; harmony in personal relations

By the end of the week, you and your children could have an art gallery with four images and will have developed a deeper understanding of God's gift to us, who the Messiah is, and our hope in him. Guide children to understand that no matter how wonderful, strong, long-lasting, or royal something or someone may be, it is not greater than Christ.

Check out Kids Corner's audio Bible story The Birth of Jesus

Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire’s articles Advent Hope and Faith Lessons from Anna.

Natasha Menifee

Natasha Menifee

Natasha Menifee is an educator, writer and most importantly a child of God. She has taught in public schools for 12 years and holds two master's degrees from Georgetown College in Learning & Behavior Disorders and Teacher Leadership. Natasha also serves as the Christian Education Director at her church. She is the proud mother of two daughters. For more information about her, visit

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