Advent Week 4: The Blessing

Advent Week 4: The Blessing

December 21, 2024

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

I John 4:9-11

Memory Verse

I John 4:11

11 Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we must love each other.

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When was the last time you did something for someone else? Maybe nobody asked you to do it, but you did it because you wanted to do something kind for another person. That’s being a blessing.

Today’s Bible reading, 1 John 4:9-11, reminds us that God did something special for us. He sent his Son, Jesus, into the world so that we could have life. He did it not because we asked him to but because God knew we needed him to do it. The birth of Jesus was a blessing to everyone. God sent his Son as our rescuer, the only person who could be the sacrifice to take away our sins. Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.”

We cannot repay God for his love. What we can do is give his love to others and bless those around us the same way God blesses us. Christ is the ultimate blessing, and when we receive him, we do not keep it to ourselves. As God's children, he wants us to share the good news of Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection with others.

Maybe you have had some struggles and some pain. It does not change God's love because God is still doing things behind the scenes in your life. God might not bless us the way we want, but he always blesses us with what we need. Look for God's blessings in your life and look for ways you can be a blessing to someone else.


Dear God, thank you for the blessing of love you gave us. Because you loved us, we can love others. Help me to show your love to others. Amen.

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Natasha Menifee

Natasha Menifee

Natasha Menifee is an educator, writer and most importantly a child of God. She has taught in public schools for 12 years and holds two master's degrees from Georgetown College in Learning & Behavior Disorders and Teacher Leadership. Natasha also serves as the Christian Education Director at her church. She is the proud mother of two daughters. For more information about her, visit

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