No Idols

Do people worship idols today? Lucille finds out when she gets caught up in frenzy over a band called “Skin Deep.”

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

4 Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on earth or in the ocean under the earth.

Audio Icon   Exodus 20:4



In this episode, Lucille learns that there are modern day idols that can stand in the way of a relationship with God.

Today, idol statues are not common but we worship our idols in different ways. Many things can take your attention away from God, including money, power, brand name clothing, social media, your appearance, sports or electronics! We give our time and energy to these things instead of where it belongs—to God. We think that these things will make us happy. But idols do not have any power to help you, to save you or to make you truly happy. They are not worthy of all your time and attention. Be careful that you do not make anything an idol.

Want to dig deeper about idol worship? Read Romans 1:25, Leviticus 26:1 and Psalm 115:4-8


Is there anything that has become an idol to you? Maybe you would give anything to belong to a certain group of friends or to have the latest fashion trend? If there is something, tell God about it and ask his forgiveness. Download our 10 Commandments bookmark and print one for each member of your family. Share your thoughts on idols and make a commitment together to make God your focus.