Kids in Action host Simone meets Kyra, an accessibility leader at her school. Changes were needed there. She was part of a community team that made renovations happen, and her school is now new and improved. It’s Kids in Action, putting on a hard hat and creating great spaces for all God’s children.
1. Name places in your community that are not accessible to people with different ability levels.
2. In the video, Simone introduces the show by encouraging kids to put “on a hard hat and create great spaces for all God’s children.” How can kids (and everyone else!) be more welcoming and create great spaces for everyone in their homes, the neighborhoods, their schools and their churches?
3. Talk about a time when you or a family member made another person feel welcomed and that they belonged.
4. Romans 5:3-4 says, “but we also glory in our sufferings.” What have challenges taught you? How have these experiences produced perseverance, character and hope?
5. In 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Paul describes a problem that he has as “a thorn in [his] flesh.” Whatever it was, Paul begs God three times to take it away. But God doesn’t answer Paul’s prayer the way he hopes. Instead, God tells Paul that His grace is enough. It’s all Paul needs. What does Paul do? He responds by calling this constant, nagging problem a gift. A gift! What is God’s grace? How do you see God’s grace in your life? How can God’s grace be enough for us?