Jesus the Savior Audio Bible Stories About God’s Son

Jesus the Savior Audio Bible Stories About God’s Son

October 23, 2024

The Gospels are the story of Jesus the Savior. The Bible says that God sent his Son Jesus because he loved his people and the world he created: “God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die” (John 3:16 CEV). All the stories in the Bible about Jesus show how this is true. Jesus told the people that God’s kingdom was near and that he was the Savior they were waiting for. He healed people who were sick or could not see or walk. He made evil spirits stop troubling people. He even brought some people who had died back to life. All these miracles proved that Jesus was God’s Son and that God had sent him to save his people. The audio Bible stories below tell some of these beautiful stories in a way your children will enjoy.

You can listen to the stories of “Jesus the Savior” right here on our website or your favorite podcast platform.

The Story of Peter. Jesus chose Peter to be one of his disciples and closest friends. Peter didn't do anything halfway. When he loved, he loved big. When he believed, he walked on water. When he failed, he failed spectacularly. When Peter made terrible choices, Jesus always gave him another chance.

The Woman at the Well. When Jesus talked to the woman at the well, he broke down social barriers between men and women, Jews and Samaritans, the righteous and sinners. He chose this humble woman to be the first to hear from his mouth that he was the Messiah.

Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man. Jesus did two things that revealed that he was the Savior: he forgave the paralyzed man of his sins and told him to stand up and walk. Those watching wondered who Jesus thought he was; only God can forgive sins! But they could not deny seeing the man healed…another thing only God can do.

Jesus Calms the Storm. Jesus is always with us, even when we don’t feel safe. In a terrible storm on the sea, his disciples worried their boat would sink and they would all drown. Shouldn’t Jesus be worried, too? Then Jesus commanded the sea to “Be still!”

The Story of Jesus and Legion. Evil spirits hate God and try to enslave God’s people. Jesus met a man enslaved by so many evil spirits they called themselves Legion (like an army). Then Jesus commanded Legion to leave the man, and they had to obey. Now free, the man went around telling everyone what Jesus the Savior had done for him.

Jairus’ Daughter. Have you ever been so desperate that you just didn't know what to do? That’s how Jairus felt when his precious daughter was dying. When he saw Jesus teaching in a huge crowd, Jairus pushed through the crowd and “pleaded earnestly” for Jesus to come to heal his daughter.

Jesus Feeds 5,000 People. How can five loaves of bread and two fish feed 5000 people? When Jesus saw that the crowd was hungry, he didn’t just feel bad for them; instead, he took action to help them. He miraculously turned those small loaves and fish into enough food for thousands of people!

Jesus Blesses the Children. What exactly is a blessing? When God blesses us, he gives us what we need to do what he has created us to do. When Jesus blessed the children, he showed everyone that children are essential to God’s kingdom.

The Story of Zacchaeus. Jesus changed the lives of many people. A tax collector named Zacchaeus had been cheating people. But when he met Jesus, he promised to change his ways and pay back everyone he had cheated. Being loved, forgiven, and saved by God changed Zacchaeus.

Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus was sick. They knew that Jesus loved Lazarus and that he had the power to heal him, but Jesus didn’t come right away. Then Lazarus died, and Jesus arrived days later. He had come too late. Or had he?

Jesus Anointed with Perfume. A woman came to Jesus looking for acceptance and hope. She washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair at a dinner to which she wasn't invited. Then, she poured expensive perfume on his head. When someone yelled at her, Jesus said she had done a beautiful thing and forgave her sins.

Kids Corner is a place for your children to discover their roles in God’s big story and learn how God calls them to live out their Christian faith every day! Subscribe to receive weekly Kids Corner children’s devotions in your email (see below). And don’t miss the fun with our classic “Liz & Friends” podcast or our “Kids in Action” videos to see the amazing things kids are doing for God’s kingdom right now. We also have ebooks, crafts, and other downloads to help enhance your child’s exploration of God’s big story.

Christopher Hunt

Christopher Hunt

Chris loves to see God transform lives through the gospel. He serves as Marketing Communications Manager at Kids Corner's parent ministry, ReFrame Ministries. Prior to ReFrame, he marketed children's and youth programs at the ministry of Awana. Chris was a torpedoman on a US Navy submarine. Chris and his wife have five children, two cats, and a little dog named Cocoa. In his free time, Chris enjoys playing board games.

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