Black Cats and Sidewalk Cracks

Liz gets caught up in superstitions. Can he trust God to take care of him instead?

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Memory Verse

33 We make our own decisions, but the alone determines what happens.

Audio Icon   Proverbs 16:33



In this episode, Liz got caught up in superstitions instead of trusting God to take care of him. It’s easy to get caught up with superstitions because they’re all around us.

God says we should always trust in Him. He says that we should even be careful about the way we make plans. Of course, we have to plan what we need to get done. Your homework isn’t going to get done if you wait around for God to do it for you! But you should prepare to let the Lord lead as you make and carry out your plans. How can you make your plans according to the will of God? Remember, God is always in control, no matter what.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about God’s will? Check out Romans 1:10, James 4:13-15 and Romans 2:10.


You can trust God in any situation because he has a PLAN for your life, and he has the POWER to make it happen. Make a poster for your room that says, "GOD has a PLAN and the POWER!" How will you decorate it? What colors will you use? Put it on the wall to remind yourself that God is in control of everything.