What Not To Wear

Lacey talks Lucille into buying clothes she knows her mother won’t want her to wear. What happens when Lucille starts lying and hanging out with the wrong gang of kids? What will Liz do?

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Memory Verse

9 I would like for women to wear modest and sensible clothes. They should not have fancy hairdos, or wear expensive clothes, or put on jewelry made of gold or pearls.

Audio Icon   1 Timothy 2:9



In this episode, Lucille learns that looking rebellious can make other people think she is rebellious, and can even make her act more rebellious!

If you saw a firefighter or a police officer walking down the street, you could tell what they were by the clothes they had on. Nurses have their own styles of clothes, and so do ranchers and football players. You might not realize it, but people are looking at the way you dress and trying to figure out what you are. The apostle Paul reminded us that after we’ve trusted Christ, our bodies are no longer ours to do with what we want. The Holy Spirit lives inside us, and we should behave in a way that shows we’re his (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Most of the verses we’ve looked at refer to the way girls and women dress, but dressing appropriately is just as important for boys and men. We are witnesses for Jesus Christ in all we do. We should dress the part.

Want to dig deeper and learn about the importance of modesty? Check out Proverbs , Isaiah 3:16-17, 1 Peter 3:3-4.


Look in the mirror right now. Try to see yourself through other people’s eyes. What do you see? Do you look like a kid who loves the Lord and wants others to know him too? Or will others see you as a rebel who is out to make trouble? Do you look the way you want others to think about you? How would you change the way you look if you were going out to tell others about what God means to you?