Nice Lizards Finish Last

Liz is always the last one chosen for baseball at recess. What can he do to change things up?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

14 and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt.

Audio Icon   Psalm 139:14



In this episode, Liz wants to create a club to feel included.

How many people are in your family? In your school? In your country? Did you know that there are more than 7 billion people in the world? Do you ever wonder if God really knows you? Could God pick you out of a group of 7 billion people? Do you think that others notice you or value you? Often we look for things that will make us feel important in all the wrong places. Sometimes you might find your feelings of worthiness come from who your friends are, the clothes you wear, or maybe the electronic devices you have. But God’s message in the Bible is that our value comes from our relationship with God. God created you in his image. God loves you. God gives you strength. Knowing this and believing and embracing it as the truth is where you will find your self-worth. And this self-worth is something that no one can take away (1 Peter 2:9-10).

Want to dig deeper about how much God loves you? Read Matthew 10:29-30 and Romans 8:26,34


You are God’s handiwork. It’s amazing to think about that! Cut out a heart from paper. With washable markers or ink and a parent’s permission, put your fingerprints all over the heart. Now think about how God’s fingerprints are all over you! He made you and knows you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Write the words of Psalm 139:14 on the heart: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. Use these verses to help you the next time you feel unhappy because you are comparing yourself with someone else.