Rich in Joy

Spike and Cole's pizza business is booming, and Chef Boy R Liz wants to join the team! Meanwhile Lucille tries to teach the gang what it means to blessed and how to be a blessing.

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After you listen

Memory Verse

38 If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.

Audio Icon   Luke 6:38



In this episode Liz learns that blessings are not about money or material things.

Jesus preached a famous sermon called the Sermon on the Mount. In that sermon, he talked about how people were "blessed.” He didn't talk about how these people would have lots of money or nice houses or many toys. His idea of being "blessed" was different from other people's views about blessings. Take a look at Matthew 5:3-12, the passage called "The Beautitudes", which in Latin means "happiness".

In this verse, Jesus gives a number of snapshots of what a Christian can look like. In one snapshot, he says that people who grieve are blessed—they will find comfort. In another, he says people who are humble are blessed—the earth will be long to them. And there are many more! These snapshots look very different from how we imagine life, but they show people who put God first and other people first. They show people whom God blesses.

Want to dig deeper and learn more about giving? Check out Psalm 41:1-3, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, and Hebrews 11:4.


Serve up some ice cream! Go into the kitchen and find measuring cups, measuring spoons, and different sized bowls. Serve your family the amount of ice cream that you would like. Which container will you use? Talk about this episode’s memory work. You probably don’t want ice cream shaken and spilling on your lap, but as you eat, discuss blessings (besides ice cream) that could be given in large measures.