Lost and Alone (Finale Part 2)

Grandpa’s news shocks Liz and the gang. What can Liz do as things go from bad to worse?

Before You Listen

After you listen

Memory Verse

20 But you must see that everything is done according to these plans. Be confident, and never be afraid of anything or get discouraged. The my God will help you do everything needed to finish the temple, so it can be used for worshiping him.

Audio Icon   1 Chronicles 28:20



In this episode, Liz is crushed to learn that one of his spiritual mentors is leaving. Losing someone important to you can be a scary part of life. Joshua felt that and so did Solomon. Jesus’ disciples felt that too. Whenever Jesus gave hints about the fact that he would have to leave his disciples, they grew very upset (John 16:5-7). He knew that he was leaving them with a big job to do and that they would be terrified about doing it without him.

When it came time for Jesus to go back into heaven, he left his disciples with the same encouragement that David and Moses gave: here is the work you have to do, and it’s hard, but don’t be afraid, because you will always have God’s help (Matthew 28:16-20).

Do you feel like Kids Corner has been a voice of wisdom for you? You may have listened for a long time and feel like Liz, Lucille, Chamy, Grandpa, and Granny are old friends. You may learn valuable lessons from them. More importantly, however, you have what Grandpa left Liz: the Bible! In fact, Grandpa’s letter to Liz could have been written for you too. “Dear (your name), This is the most important book you will ever read. Whenever you lose your way, it will point you like a compass to true north. (Your name), there is an important job God has for you to do. It’s why he created you. And never forget I Chronicles 28:20 ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.’”

Want to dig deeper into God’s presence when things are hard? Check out Exodus 33:12-14, Genesis 28:10-13, and Psalm 23.


Start a plan to spend more time with your Bible. Talk to your parents about finding a Bible reading plan. You can look online or find a devotion book. Ask friends and family members what they use. Choose a time every day to spend time reading and listening for God’s voice. Having a friend or family member to do the plan with you with give you someone to talk to and will help hold you accountable.