The Beatitudes: Hope-Filled Blessings

The Beatitudes: Hope-Filled Blessings

September 28, 2024

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Matthew 5:1-12

Memory Verse

John 10:10

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

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When you read Matthew 5:1-12, maybe you’re surprised by the unexpected words that Jesus says. The people listening when he said them the first time sure were!

Take a moment and imagine the scene. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and a large crowd surrounds Jesus, curious to hear what he has to say. He climbs up the hillside and begins to preach the Sermon on the Mount. But instead of starting with big, impressive words, Jesus begins by saying those totally unexpected words. He starts talking about blessings, but not the kind anyone might predict. He says things like, 'God blesses those people who grieve,' and 'God blesses those people who are treated badly for doing right.' Some of those might sound strange or hard to hear, but Jesus’ point is that even when we might not feel happy, there is still hope.

In these blessings, called the Beatitudes, Jesus flips the idea of blessings upside down and teaches about a better way to live. Each blessing that Jesus talks about has the same promise: Hope in God will never let you down. When you trust in God's promises, even when life is tough, you can find comfort and a place to belong. Isn't that incredible? Maybe when Jesus says things that seem unexpected or puzzling in the Bible, he’s inviting you to think deeper, ask questions, and discover the real hope in his words. It's like Jesus is saying, "Come, let's explore together. There's so much more to learn and understand."

Read each Beatitude, and remember that Jesus is showing you a new way to live. It’s a way filled with hope, even when things seem tough. Keep seeking, wondering, and discovering the amazing hope and blessing of following Jesus!


God, thank you that even in difficult situations, there is still hope in you. Help me to think deeper, ask questions, and discover the real hope in your words. Amen.
Tanya Yuen

Tanya Yuen

Tanya Yuen is a pastor who serves in the denominational office of the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec with the privilege of supporting pastors in children and family ministry. She also gets to spend time in Muskoka at Camp Kwasind in the summer, sharing about Jesus with kids. She is mom to 3 girls and together with her husband, Alfred. They spend as much time as possible hiking the trails around the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario.

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