Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.
6 Memorize his laws 7 and tell them to your children over and over again. Talk about them all the time, whether you're at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning. 8 Write down copies and tie them to your wrists and foreheads to help you obey them. 9 Write these laws on the door frames of your homes and on your town gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Deuteronomy 6:8-9
8 Write down copies and tie them to your wrists and foreheads to help you obey them. 9 Write these laws on the door frames of your homes and on your town gates.
Imagine living in a world where you saw Bible verses as often as you saw advertisements. Instead of seeing a video or poster urging you to buy a burger, you’d see something that says, “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1), or “Christ gives me the strength to face anything” (Philippians 4:13), or “Nothing is impossible for God!” (Luke 1:37). You’d remember Bible verses as easily as you remember your favorite songs.
That’s what Moses wanted the people of Israel to do in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. He wanted God’s Word to be visible for all to see so they would remember what God had told them. When they were with other people, they’d see God's Word on their friends’ clothes. When they came into a house or courtyard, they’d be able to reach out and touch God’s Word on the gates and doorways. No matter where they were they would always be thinking about God, because they would be reading his Word everywhere they looked.
We can still do that today by wearing t-shirts with our favorite Bible verses or having a verse as our screensaver. We can hang pictures of Bible stories or verses in our bedrooms and around our homes. Some people even have Bible verses embroidered on their pillows.
What can you do to help yourself see Bible verses every day? Could you paint pictures about what you’ve read? How about using clay to make a diorama? Could you practice memorizing a verse while skipping down the sidewalk? The more ways you can look at Bible verses the easier it will be for you to have God’s Word “on your hearts” (Deuteronomy 6:6).