Kids in Action host Ari meets a class of photography students and looks through their lenses to see what they see. It’s Kids in Action, zooming in on God’s creation and seeing that God is bigger than we could ever imagine.
1. Name a favorite photo. Maybe it’s one hanging in your house, one that you took, or one of a favorite person or thing that is important to you.
2. In the video, the students take photos of everyday things. Which photos did you like? Which one was your favorite?
3. Talk about a time you or someone you know took a really great photo. What was in the photo?
4. Sophia says, “The world proclaims God, worship God. And if we don’t worship Him after seeing His creation if we hold in that worship that should overflow in us whenever we the world… His creation will shout the glory of God.” Describe a time when nature taught you something new about the glory of God.
5. Read Romans 1:20 and Psalm 19:1-6. What do these verses tell us about God and his creation?