Psalm 92: Deep Rooted Faith

Psalm 92: Deep Rooted Faith

May 20, 2023

Bible Verse

1 2 It is wonderful to be grateful and to sing your praises, Most High!  Psalm 92:1-2

I love the good news my students greet me with most mornings. Whether it’s a team win, a well-earned grade, or a new experience, I can’t help but celebrate alongside them. It’s contagious. Psalm 92 celebrates the joy we experience when we lift our praise to the Lord and announce God’s faithfulness. As we lift up our voices, hands, or hearts, something else happens too. Our faith deepens!

Here’s a simple breakdown of the psalmist’s message and some ways you can experience its meaning with children of all ages.

  1. Praising God makes us happy (verses 1-4). The overflow of happiness that kids often experience reminds us to take joy in life’s simple pleasures. Name some of your joys together each day. And when your kids are so excited they can’t sit still or stop talking, match their enthusiasm; rejoice with them.

  2. Sometimes we don’t understand God’s ways (verses 5-9). Growing up and learning to navigate a complex world means some days feel just plain hard. Some kids experience loss at an early age. It’s important to make space for kids’ pain, questions, and doubts. Though we can listen to and comfort our little ones, we may not always have easy answers for them. That’s okay. We do have this assurance from Jesus. “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33, NIV). Christ, our great rescuer, has already overcome sin and death.

  3. Our strength comes from the Lord (verses 10-11). In good times or bad, we belong to God, who gives us “the strength of a wild ox.” Why does the psalmist compare us to an ox? Kids may be amazed to find out a trained team of oxen can pull up to two times its body weight, or about 12-13,000 pounds. Are we really as strong as a wild ox? In Christ, we are!

  4. Our joy in the Lord grows deep roots for dry times (verses 12-15). Certain parts of Israel may receive only one or two large storms each year. Because groundwater remains scarce, desert trees grow deep roots capable of reaching underground aquifers. God’s people experience desert times too. Recounting God’s faithfulness reminds us that he cares for us in our present troubles. What’s more, the shade from just a single desert tree can provide relief to a weary traveler, offering her the rest she needs to carry on. The psalmist reminds those of us seasoned to life that we can be like trees that “still bear fruit in old age . . . [and] stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock.” As adults, we have opportunities to model deep-rooted faith as we guide our little ones through challenging experiences.

Psalm 92 highlights the deep-rooted faith we grow when believers praise God together. Kids remind adults to delight in God’s everyday gifts. Caregivers help little ones learn that God’s faithfulness extends to all generations. So don’t hesitate to wiggle, laugh, dance, sing, shout, and celebrate with your children. Rejoicing together builds spiritual muscle memory for young and old alike.

Want to do a deep dive? Check out Family Fire's article Gratitude All Year Long.

Sara Korber-DeWeerd

Sara Korber-DeWeerd

Sara Korber-DeWeerd is a freelance writer, teacher, and Down syndrome advocate. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband Mark and their three children, plus one dog and seven chickens. When not teaching or writing, Sara enjoys exploring the mountains, lakes, and rocky coastlines of New England with her active family (though they usually leave the chickens at home). 

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