Liz digs up a time capsule left by the founders of Terrene. Everyone’s excited until a valuable item goes missing. Can Liz solve this mystery before Granny goes to jail?
Before You ListenTheme: Tell God’s Big Picture story
1. Deuteronomy 6:7 talks about how the word of God needs to be in your heart. What are some ways that you can make sure the word of God is in your heart?
2. Genesis 1 introduces us to God and his Big Story. “In the beginning, God created…” Using his creativity, he made all creation. Our world belongs to God. The next part of the story introduces the saddest part. Things go wrong and need to be fixed. The serpent tempts Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is the opposite of what God had told them to do. Today, sin has broken how we see ourselves, how we see others, how we see the world, and how we see God. The good news is that God made a promise to Adam and Eve. Before they left the garden, God told Adam and Eve that humanity would struggle with Satan, but that one day a Rescuer would crush Satan's head and win. This is the beginning of God’s rescue plan for all his people. As you listen to today’s episode, remember that God is the main character of the Big Story.
A: The Clumptoes, the Trollscales, the Terrenes, the Geckos, and the Anoles.
A: A pair of shoes, some wheat and corn, and a Bible.
4. What were the two words in the letter addressed to the descendants of Mortimer Zephaniah Clumptoes?
A: “Wowie, kazowie!”
In this episode, Granny, Liz, and Lucille share the gospel story with Sierra and her mom and give them a Bible. The Bible tells God’s Big Story and shares his rescue plan for all people. God is the main character of the story. But throughout the story, God calls his people to play parts in the story. God calls different people to do different jobs, and in the Bible, you can read how people like Ruth, Moses, Esther, David, Mary, Paul, and many others play their parts in God’s rescue plan. As you read the Bible, notice how God is calling you to play your part in God’s story.
What is God calling you to do? Write down or share with a family member a list of your God-given talents. Choose at least one talent and think about a way you can use that talent to make a positive difference in God’s world. How can you help God restore his creation?
For example, if one of your talents is playing music, learn a song from a Christian artist or write one of your own. Explore how you can share your song to bless your family, friends, neighbors, church, or someone in need. Or, if you are good at fixing or cleaning things, ask your parent if there is a job that you can do around the house. Maybe there’s a neighbour, family member, or church friend you can bless by your service.